How Can ARIA Help LotLinx Customers?

If you’re already a LotLinx customer or you’re an early adopter of new and emerging automotive technology products, you might be wondering, “will I even need ARIA to help with my inventory management?”

While the short answer is a resounding, “yes!” I think it’s important to first briefly explain LotLinx and then get into some of the ways ARIA can work as your on-the-fly automated response inventory assistant.

What is LotLinx?

It’s no secret that LotLinx is a leader in the automotive inventory management arena, and for good reason. They’re aggressive in pushing the envelope to provide car dealers cutting-edge technology and insights that help make the managing of inventory data-driven and precise.

Their data-intelligence is at the top of the charts as far as accuracy and reliability, and according to their website pulls over 160 variables into its machine learning algorithm to provide the end user with actionable information about each transaction.

So why would a car dealer that uses LotLinx ever consider adding ARIA as their automated response inventory assistant?

First, it’s important to know that ARIA is not a take-away product. It’s not built to “takeaway” dealers from the existing products they use and love. As the name suggests, ARIA is an assistant that bolts onto existing tools and resources providing quick and speedy insights and actions on the fly.

You see, not everything has to be a drawn out meeting or another spreadsheet. We don’t always need to be sitting behind the desk and staring aimlessly at a computer screen. ARIA is built to bring analysis, insights, and recommendations to your fingertips and move at your speed. It’s designed to help with routine inventory management, merchandising, and marketing tasks that should have never required your intervention to begin with.

Spreadsheet mania

When you’re curiousity gets the best of you and you just need to know how many vehicles you have in transit, ARIA is there to tell you right when you want to know without having to login to another platform.

If you’re curious how many vehicles you sold yesterday, and the average selling price or what your average gross was, ask ARIA.

Curious about how many vehicles are getting advertised, or where there are deficiencies in inventory advertising? ARIA can provide you those quick, in-the-moment insights that can help you continue to move at the pace you need to move to break records!

By it’s nature, ARIA is here to assist you and isn’t designed to replace the valuable tools in your tech stack. Additionally, and for the record, it’s not here to replace you either. It’s here to augment and enhance your workflows so that you can focus your time, energy, and capabilities where they will have the greatest impact by removing routine work from your plate that should have never stolen your time.

In other words, ARIA in addition to LotLinx is on a mission to bring you a breath of fresh ai(r) when it comes to automotive inventory management, marketing, and merchandising.

Want to get on the early-adopter list and take ARIA for a spin? Join the waitlist here.


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